Cooperative Capitalism In An Era Of Super Change With Berny Dohrmann

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TBT 129 | Cooperative Capitalism

We are living in a market of super change, and entrepreneurs need to lead in driving innovation to thrive in this new environment. Cooperative capitalism embraces and accelerates innovation in many ways than our traditional, competitive model of capitalism does. This is what the “Millionaire Maker” and CEO Space International founder, Berny Dohrmann addresses in his book, Redemption: The Cooperation Revolution. Sitting down with host Penny Zenker in this fascinating conversation, Berny gives us his ideas on entrepreneurial education, mentoring, lifelong learning, and other things that we need to invest in to boost productivity in the new economic paradigm. Coming from a family of mentors, Berny puts much value in education and learning and sees it as a critical factor in redefining the way we do business.

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Cooperative Capitalism In An Era Of Super Change With Berny Dohrmann

On this show, we explore your greatest potential by tapping into the ten core elements of time and energy management. To simplify how these ten critical elements are required for quantum growth and how they come together, I came up with a windmill as a metaphor for human productivity. The windmill has a gear mechanism that works from within. The smoother, the more consistent and the faster the blades turn, the more productive you tend. We’re talking about winning strategies, which is blade number two of my windmill. Working smarter, not harder is how you take your business to a whole new level. It’s about becoming the owner of your business and getting out of your own way, getting out of that role as the operator. As an operator, you get lost in the day to day and you’re not able to take a step back and take a look at the strategic direction and positioning of your business from this outside perspective, from the strategic perspective.
In my Quantum Productivity Program, this section reveals the best practices behind the three elements that make up winning strategies. That’s planning, process and priority. I’m going to be joined by Founder of CEO Space, Berny Dohrmann, to discuss his strategies for success. You’re going to learn what makes a great business strategy and what might be holding you back, the impact of networking and mentoring that it can have on your business and building it quicker and smarter. Lastly, why staying current is key in developing your company’s productivity.
Berny Dohrmann, whom the media refers to as The Millionaire Maker, has been known to have coached Anthony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, Robert Allen, John Assaraf, Loral Langemeier, Jay Abraham, and many more big names that you can think of. Also including founding partners of elite consulting firms like Accenture and Booz Allen, and also companies like Starbucks, Nokia, 3M, and many more. He’s now counseling the United Nations and many foreign nations with regard to turning around the global economic crisis via cooperative capitalism. He finished helping the US Senate with the language of the JOBS Act, also known as The Crowdfunding Bill.
Berny Dohrmann is an internationally-recognized capital strategist, revenue accelerator, and economic innovator. He’s the Founder and Chairman of CEO Space International, the world’s leading small business incubator, having touched over 300,000 business owners in more than 100 countries. Under Dohrmann’s leadership, CEO Space has grown into a mega week-long intensive and trade show that services hundreds to thousands of small business owners at each conference five times a year. He utilizes proprietary networking and teaching techniques that accelerate attendee’s ability to grow their business through capital-raising strategy, business growth intensive, and demonstrating the power of collaboration. Berny, I could go on and on with your accomplishments and your background. I know the future things that you’re going to be accomplishing. It’s such an honor to have you here. Welcome.
It’s my pleasure. I can’t wait to help that one person, you, who are reading with a solution that makes your day and helps you now. That’s my goal.
There’s going to be more than one. It’s going to be the collective you here. First, I wanted to ask you. I understand that your father was a mentor to Disney, Napoleon Hill, JFK, and a whole host of other amazing iconic leaders. What was it like growing up in a household where you sat down and had exposure to all these great innovators?
It was like growing up in Leave It to Beaver. I was 1 of 9 children in this big cupboard, almost like a ballroom in a hotel barbecue area with couches and lounge chairs and built-in bars. Dad would hold court and the thought leaders of the century were there, all of them. Bucky Fuller, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, Zig Ziglar. I was there when Zig Ziglar got hired. He was in his twenties. I was there when all of them started, but you don’t know as a little boy. You’re coming in and, on their lap, and they’re mentoring you, but you don’t even know you’re being mentored by Uncle Zig or someone like that. They’re in your life. We were playing and yet being shaped to carry on this work. It was amazing looking back at it.
Tell us a little bit more about your background. I know that you’ve also had some bumps in the road. What were some of the greatest challenges?
Entrepreneurs aren't born. They are made. Share on X When you bring that up, I have two careers. I was groomed by the Witter family to be an investment banker. I used to be on Dean Witter before it was merged. I had public investment companies from my twenties all the way up to when my father got ill with cancer and I sold my last public investment company and it was large. It was thousands of stockbrokers in fourteen countries, publicly-traded. I was chairman of an international brokerage firm and I sold it to take care of my dad. Years later, I got indicted for $85,000 on a junk bond that we had sold years before for the risk they felt we should have known, but didn’t know at the time. We’re still held responsible for what we should have known.
We couldn’t have known. When I sold the company, the bond was fully paid and performing and continued to be paid and then defaulted later, but I was retroactively held responsible for that later default even though the company was sold. I thought that was wrong. The prosecutor was my best friend that I grew up with in a private Catholic school. He knew my dad and my family and he prosecuted me before he retired. They’re making a movie called Malicious Prosecution, which everybody can see the trailer at and it’s by Impello Films of Hollywood. We got the agreements for doing that movie through them. We’re grateful. That movie’s got murder scenes and car chases, all sorts of things that didn’t happen in my life. My life is boring. It was wonderful to be in that Wall Street group and they still treat me like royalty. I’m grateful for my privilege of knowing that industry so far.
What’s the gift that came out of that challenge for you?
When you can hold forgiveness for your greatest betrayal or injustice, you’ll always find that God has a greater plan for your life than your plan ever was. I would never have the bestselling books, the movies, the stature with nations. I have more public companies, heads of big companies, all these years. This happened more than 25 years ago, but I have CEOs come to me and say, “How do I bulletproof myself with the way they’re enforcing now? You had such an unjust thing happen. How do I make sure it doesn’t happen to me?” I wouldn’t even know how to advise them if it hadn’t happened to me. I help keep them bulletproof under all these new regulations that are in place growing, and they don’t know what to do. They don’t know how to do it. Their lawyers often don’t know how to do it. I advise a lot of law firms, we’re accredited education for law firms, on how to make sure you never have a bad hair day and we call it over-compliance. Don’t comply. It’s easy. It’s not hard, but it takes a paperwork detail part of your business that you always watch full on. The smaller businesses, I don’t think it matters, but for larger businesses, it is the holy grail.
Is that where your passion for education came from?
No, my father had cancer and he had a big educational company on performance training for the largest companies in the world. I grew up with the heads of these companies and no one could run his international educational group, but his oldest son when he was ill. I did that with him until he passed. I ended up out of the investment business as an economist investment banker and ended in the training business, helping small business owners to have the tools and the backing that not having education provide them with the toolset. They do a lot of things right in the wrong sequence. We re-sequence them and they take off, they go into hyper-growth and stay there. I found that entrepreneurs aren’t born. They’re made. Anyone can learn how to maximize job creation and self-employment if their desire is to be entrepreneurial.
It almost sounds like from that experience that you had where you sought out to help people to bulletproof their compliance and the education, it was the marriage of the two that brought you to that point with CEO Space and the entrepreneurs and being able to provide that amazing skillset.
I cheated. I spent an ocean of my life with Dr. Deming, the architect of Total Quality Management, the manufacturing process. My dad did Korea when Dr. Deming did Japan. They both did a lot of American companies and EU companies. Over their whole life, I was in those collaborations on performance in the workplace. As a theorist, I was able to watch them model ever-increasing performance and how to get teams to work better and smarter and have more fun in the process and turn out more for everyone. That became the pride of what we have as the lifestyle that the world is rising up to everywhere. We took it to the next level and continued tweaking these wonderful toolsets. With my investment background, I always thought of all of that as shareholder value and how to create proper stakeholder values for all concerned and make the most ethical, integrity, exciting, vibrant, thriving workplaces. Model along Zappos, Google, Pinterest, Apple, and the cool companies that are treating their people with a different architecture, but showing up with a performance, no one can catch.

TBT 129 | Cooperative Capitalism

Cooperative Capitalism: Businesses should be based on values, not on money, greed, and private acquisition.

It’s almost like there were many different pieces of the puzzle that they all came together.
Decades of experimentation, trial and error, and see what does work and keeping that, and then adding value to it.
You were around all these great leaders as mentors. How important is it for entrepreneurs to have mentors?
I use a phrase, “Mentors make millions and coaches do not.” All coaches should rise up to become mentors and mentors make millions. A coach is making $70,000, $150,000, which is about 95% of them. They have limits on how they can bring an entrepreneur to an income higher than they themselves make. They don’t make enough money and they don’t know how to, or they would, to guide the person that’s paying them to the level they want their lives. First of all, we have to shed and build businesses based on values. Businesses should not be based on money, greed and private acquisition. It should be the Law of Accumulation that occurs because we’re passionate about serving others, having our products and services reach the maximum number so everyone else has benefited from our game and our genius.
When you put that perspective to what you’re doing, everything else is organizing principles to get there in the most efficient, effective, and fast way. To ramp up into hyper-growth so others enjoy your game and your genius. That’s the game. You say, “Jim, I’m stuck. I’ve been in business for 3 to 15 years and I can’t raise it up to the next level. Why not?” The reason is when you went to school, they’re still teaching you a house on the prairie education. They’re teaching you to be a memory box in a factory or middle management at Kodak if you’re an MBA. They teach you memory skills for repetition, endless, mindless meetings and tasking. You memorize all state capitals, memorize the periodic table of elements and so forth and so on. It makes you crazy in this world where God has invented search.
What we need to do is teach the entrepreneurial skillsets. I gave you two sobering statistics. In the largest school district in the United States, the LA Unified, and then Tampa Bay, the Pinellas County, second largest, 50% to 54% of the students in high school are not finishing high school. When they drop out, 82% in 120 days had started their own business. They can’t get jobs and they’re getting excited, whether they’ve learned to read, learn enough math, they can do it on the internet and they figure out how to now train themselves to own a business. They’re not finishing school because they see nothing that adds value to the entrepreneur journey they want to take. In the age of the entrepreneur, where more than half the jobs are self-employment, why aren’t we teaching entrepreneurs skills to a little girl where more than half the entrepreneurs are women who want to own the restaurant, not work in it? They can learn how to do that. We don’t teach them. I’m pushing on education. Insert entrepreneur skills from K through 12, all the way up. You’ll see your learners will stay in school and you’ll be teaching them what they require to prosper and survive in the landscape of the entrepreneur age we live in.
They’ll see the relevance of their life. Some of the things that are being taught aren’t relevant anymore.
No, it’s obsolete. We’ve got a monopolistic system that old publishers have put together to make sure their books come down the conveyor belt at billions of dollars a year in which a consolidated group of fewer than five publishers own education. We need to reform education. They need to be put out to pasture and made partners with the reinvention and we need to get it all eBook and put into currency so that our people learn things like what does it mean to be American? We used to have a category called Citizenship and we had less crime, less acting out, less violence because we knew what it was to be a citizen with each other. Why did we stop teaching that? Insert things like a bunch of memory details where I’m memorizing the Gettysburg Address. I don’t get it.
It doesn’t add any value. Along that same line, but on the business side for us growing up here, I know you’ve coined a phrase, the Cooperative Capitalism. I wanted to talk about what is cooperative capitalism and what are you doing there?
In this age, where more than half the jobs are self-employment, why are we not teaching entrepreneurial skills to our children? Share on X The president of the United States has read my book, Redemption: The Cooperation Revolution, and quoted from it several times and used it with negotiations in Syria so we didn’t bomb them in Iran to make that deal and to break out cooperation at statehouses all over the world. I want you to be clear, it’s not communism, it’s not socialism because that’s competitive bureaucracy. It’s worse than competitive capitalism, basically competitive capitalism creates a system where 1% on more wealth than 99%. That always melts down into world war. If you study it and know that, why would you want to do that again? If you could have a better model, what would it look like? It’s a model where everything in your financial system is public and reports it. There are no secrets. Everybody has ethics and integrity and the regulations, moderate greed, and you have free ownership and pride of ownership and workers make enough money to have dignified lifestyles, which is important.
In competitive capitalism, use a pyramid. We use a management system that at the top of the pyramid is this idea of, and you have bought into this by your own experience, but you buy into a system that works on punishment and exploitation. At the top is fear, at the bottom of the pyramid is punishment. In the middle is the compression of the exploitation of the worker. What we want is a system that is built on full partnership. That’s a circle like a wagon wheel where hubs management at Zappos pushes out on all the spokes and divisions for outer wheel momentum. That’s true for a dentist’s office or a family. Almost all the breakdown that you’re having is because of the competition itself. The idea that competition is good and it’s from God is the one great lie. Everything about the competition should be looked at on the other side. Like when you die and you go to the other side, do you think there’s gnashing teeth and gnarling and snarling and lots of competitive stuff? Do you think it’s all unconditional love and cooperation? Do you want that on earth? We created our own hell here by competing. Stop competing with other spirits.
Is this a form of existentialism?
No, it’s management systems. Managing humans on 2 or 3 people can only be done in a competitive system or a cooperative system. In a cooperative system, you have much more performance and production. In a competitive system, you have much less. The issue gets to be what do you want? Do you want a more cooperative or more competitive system? You can start making your adjustments by reading my book, Redemption: The Cooperation Revolution. If you want sweeter language in your home, if you want better retention of customers and more repeat buying and more referrals, then get everyone in your employee group to read Redemption, have meetings about it and start to reform your workplace to cooperative system management. It’s all in the book. It’s in the book for Fortune companies and it’s in the book for a chiropractor with three employees.
I want to break it down because I ask every guest this question. How do you define productivity first and why? Start there before we can talk about optimizing it.
I define productivity as an economic measurement as an investment banker economist. I look at productivity as the workspace output that can be measured by the individual and the collective and team consistent over time against baselines. Look at improvements in that performance and productivity. I also look at it as an equation that includes what I call the happiness factor. In the happy workspace you see at Zappos, Pinterest, Apple, and how you’re treated as a customer is off the charts.
If I were to consolidate that, what I heard you say is basically that productivity is also measured by the value that’s delivered to you in the organization and also to your customers.
It can be summed up in the markets that we’re facing. Never before, as a leader, entrepreneur faced what we’re facing now. We are facing now the markets of super change.

TBT 129 | Cooperative Capitalism

Cooperative Capitalism: We need to reform education so that it becomes more relevant to the times.

What do you mean by that?
The circumstances of your market a few months ago before this episode, we had the government of the United States close down for the longest period of time and record. We didn’t know if we were going to have a budget for the American people and whether we’d have another crash or stock market crash. Now we have a two-year budget because cooperation is broken out all over.
What do you think is the biggest challenge for CEOs and leaders in their organization to stay current and to be able to maximize productivity in this way?
They’ve got to have a system. At CEO Space International, what we did is we created five-time updates, so they can come in and out by buying a lifetime membership and come in and out at their pace. They have to find their own model, their own mechanism for remaining current because you’re busy, you’re leading companies. You don’t want to stop and re-audit. You don’t think you should because you think you’re the best. Teamwork does make the dream work. On looking at performance, upgrading, the boss has to start with their core team themselves and the people around them that are the cornerstone decision-makers. They have a never before in-depth in currency. On a vision retreat plan, I used to tell CEOs of the Fortune Group that you would do your vision retreats and do those once every 18 to 36 months.
Now you have to do them every twelve months. You have to have the vision retreat so that you renewed the vision of the entire structure of the firm’s packaging, delivering and customer wow factors against the market of super change, keeping you leading and bleeding. You need to transmit the new vision plan to all the stakeholders for buy-in, which is a failed step in performance. A lot of the performance breakdown is the vision undertaken by the owner and the manager is not transmitted for the correct level of buy-in from all the stakeholders. Getting that transmission line built transforms performance in companies.
That’s a critical factor that a lot of leaders don’t give as much credence to is that the performance doesn’t always come down to the production of the widgets. It’s buying in and having everybody have that ownership in the vision and owning it. In my coaching practice, a lot of people are looking to get greater accountability from their people and they’re focusing on consequences and different things like that. I’ve had such amazing turnarounds by saying, “Let’s focus on getting them in touch with the vision. That’s what they need in order to have more profitability.
I’m speaking at Harvard at a sidebar group of their deans, leaders and sponsors in one of their entrepreneurial groups and clubs. I have to tell you when we are talking, the head of IT and the entrepreneur group for Harvard, our discussions are parallel because we’re talking about what you said. Everybody’s saying they’re doing a website. They want people to do certain things. They want clicks. They want certain retention. They want to have a way to get back in touch. They want to get progression to an outcome purchase from that web experience, but they’re not looking at behavioral sequences. They’re not looking at those. People make choices to buy through a series of behavioral steps. What you want is to walk through the behavior of thought processes that the buyer goes through, not what you want, and you want to describe on your product.
Most of the time you have geek designers made a pretty site or you’ve had a geek programmer who’s made a functional site, but neither are accommodating the behaviors and choices. The buyer is going to go through to make a sale purchase. If you model this site so it follows the buyer behavior sequence choice decision-making, you get a percentage shift that’s astronomical on the performance of the buyer buying. What it takes to do that, this comes back to a coach or mentor where you get mentors that make millions. You want the brains you can’t afford to help you. Remember the most powerful words in the English language. “Will you mentor me?” You can get the best people in your industry to have lunch. That lunch could be worth five months of work that went the wrong way.
Three hours of lunch with a mentor can save you from three years of bad business. Share on X Mentors make a difference where you don’t have three years of a bad experience because you had three hours of a great lunch and the actual steps and the phases and stages to get things done. Everything is about the sequence. Your plane is made to soar, but it will crash every time if you work the buttons with the wrong sequence. The most important thing is to re-sequence your venture so that you model it in the right context for a brand experience. Remember, you only exist as a brand. The utility of your product is much less important. The quality of your food, the way the lawnmower mows the lawn. Those qualities and features are far less important than customer experience. When you figure the emotional equation for your customer to own and possess that you’re trying to give them, then you incorporate that into your brand muscle and your brand muscle is what will drive you long-term.
The most important thing is renewing your brand. We work with the branding, people who redo Hewlett-Packard, Pricewaterhouse, the biggest companies in the world. Their thought processes and what they’re looking at when they are doing a brand experience is different than the average person throwing a logo on a page. It’s every touchpoint that the customer is going to breathe from the time they learned first about you to the time they have an after product sale experience and they design those experiences. I’ll tell you what happens when you get it right. Everybody is switched on and turned off. People come early, leave late. They love what they’re doing. We feel it. As a client, we want to come back. We feel it because our service support is superior.
That is important for people to think about that emotional equation from the client, as well as from the individual employee. I want to shift gears a little bit in the segment to talk about a lot of people when they think of productivity, they also think of time management. They’re like, “This sounds great, Berny, but I don’t have enough time in the day to get all this done.” One of the principles of my program and my thinking is that people are focused on the wrong things in terms of sequence, even when it comes to this. They’re focused on time. Any time that we focus on something that we can’t control, we create stress. My principle is more that we need to focus on the energy that we bring to something and the energy we bring to that time as opposed to focusing on the time.
In the market of super change, we have to adopt a new principle of the adventure of lifelong learning. In the workspace we get into, this is the way we’ve always done it. That’s the enemy primarily productivity gain. This is the way we’ve always done it. What we need is to constantly look for new, smarter ways to enjoy how the customer gets it. We can do triple the output in an hour and have doubled the time off. We can have more freedom in the workplace and we can do so much more and plus it. When you’re at a point where you’ve got some of your work accomplished, you need to help others. Your stakeholders with a team you’re part of a dream team. If you’re not acknowledged and rewarded, and I’m stealing from my own book, but Redemption: The Cooperation Revolution took several years to write with the greatest thought leaders of performance in the workspace on the planet.
What happens in redemption is if you draw a pyramid and you think of fear, punishment, exploitation, who wants to reinvent, stay current and make a thriving workplace in that model? If you have a circle with hub management and the spokes are all buying partners and your model is reward, recognition and celebration, who wants to work in that model? Everybody. Who wants to reinvent and constantly upgrade systems and be acknowledged and rewarded for making performance improvements? Everybody’s getting a stake in it. Everybody’s trying to make it easier, smarter, faster, and everybody’s helping each other to do it. No one is allocated that it’s their job. It’s all our job. That gets to be a wonderful workspace. Everybody loves it. One of the biggest things a manager can announce is we’re reforming our workspace from competition systems to cooperative systems.
Competition systems are always resisting innovation. Cooperative systems are always embracing and accelerating innovation. The Cooperative system’s first mark is all human diversity is celebrated. Look at your workspace and say, “If your ethnic, if your education, if your money-making, if your third attributes, if your dress, if your culture, if all those things are punished by eyebrow movement and 1,000 cues, you’re in a competitive workspace.” You retire performance and your customers feel it in your brand. If you’re in a cooperative workspace, all diversity between human beings is celebrated. You’re Sunni or you’re Shia. Your hobby. Tell me about your dance. Tell me about your sport. Tell me about your song. Tell me about your dress. It’s fascinating and interesting that we’re not the same and we’re all different. Isn’t it wonderful how you worship God and how I do? We celebrate it. We don’t punish differences. You start to see a switched-on workspace.
I want to bring that back to that concept of energy management because we are managing the energy, the organization, of the individuals by balancing people’s strengths. Creating that cooperative environment is creating synergy. Synergy is like being in the flow, it’s like water. It will go up over around it.
Take the most competitive organizational structures. Competitive capitalism has absolute ceilings on performance and it melts down. We don’t get goods and services to the people we want. We don’t have a full partnership. We have lots of poor and lots of people left out. We try to make a better system in the 1700 communism and socialism, but they’re competitive bureaucracy. They kill you depending on where you are in the bureaucratic system. Now that system, you can’t even get toilet paper to the rich. It’s dysfunctional. That’s system sales because it’s even more of compressed competitive modeling for system dynamics with humans. Everybody’s in fear. How do you get the safe space to be? We live short lives. We should have trillion lives. We should love our workspace. There should be plenty of jobs for everyone, which will never happen with communism and never happen with competitive capitalism.

TBT 129 | Cooperative Capitalism

Redemption: The Cooperation Revolution

The final revolution is to get a transparent system all across the world that is full partnered for everybody and creates a future called cooperative capitalism, free enterprise, private ownership and cooperation system modeling. It’s coming. We started in the early ‘90s with 3M and they went up a number of rungs in the Fortune ladder and they also won the excellence award more times than any other single company. They blame it on the cooperative reform that happened in their culture from now-retired Joan Gustafson. By the way, when EU became EU, they put her up from the cooperative experience to run the highest position a woman had ever attained in 3M at the time in all of the EU and its reformation. She ran 3M for the now developing EU as a single market and reformed 3M across that marketspace and retired out.
She then wrote A Woman Can Do That! and Some Leaders are Born Women!. I’m showing that cooperation takes you up and you don’t care if you’re black, white, pink, or green, you don’t care if you’re a woman or a male and you get excited to everyone’s talent position and maximizing their opportunity grit to deliver. Everybody puts out. They have more fun. They come early, leave late and they’re having a ball and they love their home life and their work life. It’s to the extent we become cooperative in the workspace versus competitive. How do you think customers feel? When you look at the most competitive companies you walk in and they treat you like dirt and you feel it and you hate it. In a cooperative company, they treat you like a queen and king and you feel the magic and you wish it were everywhere.
I want to mention again to the entrepreneurs. This is mostly an entrepreneur group that is reading. You have the opportunity to take your business and take it to a whole new level by implementing this type of cooperative capitalism in your business.
It’s the golden key to think and be rich instead of thinking real rich. When you be rich, so you get it. It’s all in the book.
Go out and get Redemption: The Cooperation Revolution. There has been some great conversation to bring for some new concepts for others, long-awaited concepts of how to increase your productivity, your production, the growth of your business, and sustainably and make everybody happy at the same time, both your clients and your employees. Berny, we’re going to talk a little bit in this segment about CEO Space. When you talk about this cooperation, that’s the foundation that CEO Space was created on. Is that right?
Yes. If you click or, you’ll see our main website. There are lots of videos for every industry there. They’re short, but we tell you about our part of the cooperation revolution. We studied cooperation in the workspace for 50 years and the performance magnets that make the performance rise. We have fallen on a belief that every problem between a man and a woman in a relationship, in your life partner, in your lifestyle is based on cooperation versus competition. We see the sweetest relationships and the self-renewing relationships that are switched on, turned on. People say how do I get that magic that you guys have in your home life, but they’re cooperative versus competitive. They figured it out through no help from any outside source. You get cooperative parents and they do such a different job.
The children have such a different journey than fear of punishment and exploitation. I’ve seen competitive parents where they’re saying to their children, screaming and yelling at them, “I’m not your friend. Don’t make a mistake thinking I’m your friend. Now do this and do that.” These children grow up damaged and they can’t have their full potential realized. They’ve had that modeling because frankly, the parents had that modeling and didn’t know another model of copy. Now in the workspace, it translates. You start taking your abusive, dysfunctional, bad home life into the workspace. You tend to want to dominate and get self-gratification there. Everybody can reform to have the greatest adventures. Our life is short when we come together enjoying each other with output and achievement. Let’s put our achievement out where we’re having a switched-on experience.
We enjoy each other. We don’t let each other down. We have self-correction along the way. We’re not going to be perfect all the time, but we’re raising our performance output all the time. Our customers receive our brand with a joy that is double underlined. How do you double underline the joy in your brand? You can’t have joy in Mudville if you don’t have joy in your home space. You’ve got to be able to be operating your business with systems that create inclusion and full partnership and are buoyant to the employee group. As opposed to pushing down pyramidal architectures of the management system. CEO Space is a place for owners of businesses, including all professions, because we give ongoing education credits to all 50 states. We don’t do it outside the country though. We serve 100 countries, but in the country, five times a year out in Vegas, we have teen programs and adult programs in which we put you through a unique trade show.
Competitive systems are always resisting innovation, whereas cooperative systems are always embracing and accelerating it. Share on X We don’t believe in seminars, workshops, and lectures. We believe you learned to fly by flying. You learn to operate into a brain by operating. In other words, having a great person help you to do the procedure. If you go to a seminar, you graduate from Tony Robbins’ greatest seminar in the world on frontal lobe surgery, no one will give you the ability to go into their head after you graduate the ten-day seminar. What we do is we guarantee we’re going to get you new customers. If we don’t accelerate your business and make it an acceleration that you can measure, we’ll refund your membership in our program before you leave the building. We also give you a lifetime membership. When you pay once, you can come to five of our trade shows to get more customers faster and to remain current anytime you want for the rest of your life.
We have people who come into our trade show in 2014 who graduated in 1990, 1991, and 1988. They’re not paying. They’re coming back free. Where else can you do it? Nowhere else. There is no program that uses meals to build a relationship in nowadays networking world so that you build a relationship and you exchange big, oversized appointment cards that we give you and they’re called see me cards. You get these appointments so in the evenings, you’re having customer after customer sign up and buy your products and services. You get alliance partners, national companies, global companies. This program serves clients that are in 64,000 retail stores in 100 countries. When you want to get anywhere, we’re already there. When you want to get to the 10,000 Fortune companies, one of our faculty members coaches them.
What we’ve done is taken care of because that are millionaires that they make fortunes in their consulting business, to the biggest companies in the world. They’re retired from Booz Allen, Accenture, senior partners at the biggest law firms. They’re donating their time. They’re taking one-on-one private appointments. They may meet you for three hours to say, “How do we develop a sponsor plan?” Get a much bigger sponsor program syndicates you into 200 cities, manufacture so you bump at the television after that audience base is reached and achieved and do it in eighteen months instead of 36. You meet with those people who have done it and they know how to do it and put it together for you, specific to your business and industry.
Berny, that whole concept of mentoring, it’s having people who have done it at such a big scale, that for some of the small businesses, they don’t necessarily vision themselves like that because they’re like, “That’s the next level.” By having people that you can talk this through that, see your vision at the next level is an amazing breakthrough to getting to that place.
They do the stairs. When you get the best in any industry, the entertainment, nanotechnology, aerospace, franchising, product, services, these folks have done it all for 40 years. They’re giving back, they’re tied in. They sign a contract to get 15% of their adult lifetime back. No selling, no marketing. They meet you at meals and they meet you privately and they become your buddies, but they give you the stages and phases of growth. You get the endpoint you want to reach, but you don’t go to it. You go to it in stages and phases that are comfortable for you.
I don’t know that people appreciate what opportunity they have in front of them now. All of those names, those brands, those are all companies and products that have been able to soar as they have because of their involvement in CEO Space. If you’re an entrepreneur and you’ve got a great idea, a great business, a great product you’re looking to take your business to the next level. What you’re going to learn, the people that you’re going to interact within an organization like CEO Space is unparalleled to anything that’s out there.
They can go to free meetings in their city. You can look up CEO Space, Orange County, LA, Pasadena, Woodland Hills, San Diego, Baltimore or Denver. Look up on your meetups, look up on CEO Space for the local communities around you. Every week we have free, no selling networking, go and network, get to know people, get new customers. Eventually, you want to become a member, but come in and get value and get new clients and network. You’ll find the best. If you say, “What is cooperative networking like?” You come into one of our meetings in Denver or in each city in America, or any city outside the country and work from Nova Scotia to Vancouver. You walk into the meeting and you say, “Please, Lord, let me help another entrepreneur.”
You’re not trying to get your own contact. You’re not trying to get something you’re trying to help someone else that’s in business, but everyone else is now trying to help you. They all will help you. You don’t have to go and get it. It comes to you. Once you do cooperative networking, you can’t stand the other networking groups. You want to do cooperative networking. There are other groups doing it. BNI and I speak on stage with Ivan quite a bit. We started our companies at the same time and he’s doing cooperative networking. He stands for it. That’s another feeling. People love BNI for that, but they will let one chiropractor in that chapter. They will let 50 chiropractors into one chapter. It’s a little different.

TBT 129 | Cooperative Capitalism

Cooperative Capitalism: In the market of super change, we have to adopt a new principle of lifelong learning.

Before we end, I want to make sure that they understand you have this concept called Super Teaching. Maybe you could explain a little bit about that.
Super Teaching is a 40-year research project. That’s patented by the United States Patent Office in 2013 and worldwide, even in China. It’s a three-screen system that we’ve proven that creates elevated retention for students learning anything, whether it’s a corporate space, a government training room or public schools. It’s title one approved by Congress for inclusion in public schools. We’ve had it in testbeds for years in K through 12 in Michigan, the University of Alabama, the junior college at Salt Lake Community College during the Olympics. We’ve done a lot in public schoolwork and you simply get better grades or better retention of what you’re learning all the time. We showcase it at our CEO Space events. Both our teen classes and our adult classes use Super Teaching, which makes it easier to learn a lot of important information and retain it without the struggle and work that often goes into where you’re falling asleep at the workshop.
To recap here, this organization is committed to mentoring, educating, networking, and all the principles through cooperation that help you as an entrepreneur to build and grow your business. Let’s give them that website again so they’ve got a place to check out.
Go to, and you’ll see our latest website we released in 2014. You’ll see videos that are three minutes long. They’ll change your income and change the freedom by which you make it.
For anybody who does decide to sign up as a result of this program from the seat for CEO Space, I’m going to throw in a free assessment of my Take Charge of Your Productivity Assessment that goes over the ten essential elements of time and energy management. I want to support those people that are making that decision to take their business to the next level and give them an additional tool that’s going to help them.
Let me match you because our lifetime membership fee has not changed since 1988 and it includes your hotel room and all your meals. There are no add-ons. Everything’s included and I’ll throw in a copy of Redemption, which the president of the United States wrote me a handwritten thank you letter on. To your book, if they come and say, “Penny, send this by.”
That is generous of you. Thank you. If you don’t jump on this, you’re crazy. Anyway, Berny, thank you for your time. It was a great show. Our readers are going to be tapping away on their computers to get more information.
As I say goodbye, this is the first year to thrive in five. Don’t miss the recovery. Get your arms around the latest currency to remain current and maximize your own recovery. I know you will.
Thank you, Berny. In summary, winning strategies for your business is knowing where to focus your energy to create value and leverage so that you can effectively grow your business. We’ve talked about three things that create that leverage. Number one, we talked about mentoring. Taking guidance and perspectives from those who have been there and done that they can help you with the various stages to get your business to the next level. Networking. That can help you excel in your business by bringing about greater cooperation and collaboration. Eventually, it might even be with competitors because you can create tremendous leverage and value for all parties by utilizing each other’s strengths. Lastly, around education, knowing the key strategies in areas such as accounting and marketing, but also be able to stay the most current and understand which technologies are going to support you, which structures, what do you need to know in order to stay ahead of the curve?
CEO Space brings all of these three elements together in one organization. Berny’s made a great offer for you. When you go to the website and you sign up, he’s going to send you as a result of being on this show and having read it. He’s going to send you a copy of his awesome new book that we talked about throughout the program. That’s called Redemption: The Cooperation Revolution. You’re also going to get a free assessment of the ten elements of time and energy management that are going to enable you to identify where you are in those ten elements. It will also give you a tracking tool that’s going to enable you to create an action plan and track yourself on a weekly, daily, monthly basis, whatever timeframe you want so that you can create progress in your time and energy management.
This is a great opportunity. Thank you for being here on this show. I know that you’ve enjoyed it and taken a huge value away. If you like what you learned here, send us a message on Facebook, on Twitter, or send us an email. On Facebook, you can reach us at On Twitter Join us next time as we continue to provide you with amazing experts in each of the ten core elements that will dramatically increase your productivity and create what I call quantum productivity. Until next time, I’m reminding you to take charge of your time and energy. It’s a choice you can feel good about.

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About Berny Dohrman

TBT 129 | Cooperative CapitalismBerny Dohrmann founded CEO Space International more than 25 years ago. Mr. Dohrmann has embraced his vision for entrepreneurial collaboration by giving prospective business leaders the tools and education they need to succeed.
Through the values of partnership and cooperation, CEO Space has been working to foster a new generation of enlightened business leaders around the world. Mr. Dohrmann uses his vast knowledge to upgrade CEOs today into educated, skilled leaders with higher global integrity standards.
As CEO Space continues to grow into a force for future economic innovation, Mr. Dohrmann encourages anyone who is confident in their ideas and ability to grow constructively to discover how CEO Space can give them the tools they need to meet their full potential. Mr. Dohrmann is a radio show host, movie producer, frequent guest on national television and radio shows, and bestselling author.
Raised as a fifth generation San Franciscan, Berny grew up when the Macy Building on Union Square was the Dohrmann Building dominating “the square” into the 1970’s. The Dohrmann family operated Dohrmann Hotel Supply; the largest global resort-outfitting firm now owned by Holiday Inn. The family also owned the Emporium store chain from the 1800’s, as one of the larger department store chains forging the history of the West Coast market place.
Berny’s father, Alan Dohrmann, was a corporate trainer who was sought out by such notables as Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, Walt Disney, Warner Earnhardt, John Hanley, Thomas Willhite, Bucky Fuller, Dr. Edward Deming and Jack Kennedy. Berny grew up with amazing mentors as one of nine children raised in Marin County California
Mr. Dohrmann was mentored by the man who pioneered oil tanker funding in the 1960’s and 1970’s, George Witter of Dean Witter when the brokerage firm was a family owned San Franciscan firm, and Peter Ueberroth former commissioner of Major League Baseball, and currently Chairman of the Contrarian Group, Inc.
In his first twenty years, Mr. Dohrmann was Chairman of a public institution heading up global investment firms, supervising thousands of licensed professionals operating in fourteen countries. Berny sold his firm to take care of his terminally ill father and later finished the brain research he and Berny started, thus creating a product known as Super Teaching. Super Teaching is showcased during CEO Space’s weeklong business growth conferences, 5 times a year.
Mr. Dohrmann resides with his wife September and two children in the Tampa Bay area of Florida
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