The Law Of Attraction: Conditioning Your Mind For Success With Victoria Gallagher

pennyTake Back Time Podcast

TBT 180 | Law Of Attraction


We all have a dream, one way or another, and it is within ourselves to reach it. This episode with Penny Zenker and today’s guest Victoria Gallagher discusses how we can achieve our dreams or goals faster through the law of attraction. Victoria Gallagher is a worldwide leader in hypnotherapy, a bestselling author, international speaker, and life success coach. She is a strong believer in the law of attraction. Flooding your mind with positivity will be for your betterment. Visualizing and focusing on your dream helps your subconscious to move towards it. This is how strong our mind is, and multiple studies and experiments also back it up. Victoria also offers some sessions that can help you with this mental conditioning, which can also be called hypnosis, to reduce stress, which enables you to focus on what you want with your life. Learn how to use the power of our minds properly!

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The Law Of Attraction: Conditioning Your Mind For Success With Victoria Gallagher

I’m excited to have Victoria Gallagher with me. She is a worldwide leader in hypnotherapy, a best-selling author, international speaker, Life Success Coach, and renowned authority on the Law of Attraction. She’s dedicated her life to empowering people all over the world to successfully live a life of liberty aligned with their dreams through her effective meditative recordings and online courses. Victoria, welcome to the show.

Thank you so much. It’s so nice to finally meet you, Penny. It’s a pleasure being on your show.

Thank you, likewise. We were having a little conversation before the show, the Law of Attraction. Some people get it and some people don’t get it. I’m interested to unravel what that is in plain layman’s terms and why it can help people take back time.

It does go right with the title of the show, Taking Back Time because, when we divert our attention, it gets distracted all over the place with all different kinds of goals, obstacles and things that we are focusing on. Those things are taking us further away and causing us to take more time to achieve our goals and manifest success if you will.

Law of Attraction, in real practical terms, is all about getting yourself fully in alignment with your desire, with how you are thinking about your desire, how you are visualizing your desire, the emotions, feelings, and vibrations that you have about that desire. The action steps that you are taking toward that. Listening to your intuition about that and having that gratitude for what you have already manifested in a nutshell. It’s taking responsibility for having what you want.

I call myself a Focusologist. One of the core principles is that by becoming a Focusologist, we are controlling and directing what I call the energy of our thought. In a way, it’s shifting our focus to align our goals with the tasks that we are doing and making everything else less important. It’s very simple. Could it also be that?

TBT 180 | Law Of Attraction

Law Of Attraction: It’s about focusing on what is super important to you and if something is important enough to you, you will focus on it until you get it.


It is. If you think about it, it’s prioritizing too, especially entrepreneurs. We are all over the place. You want to write that book, do your public speaking and all of those things. It’s almost impossible to multitask and do multiple things at the same time. It’s a myth, multitasking.

We still do it because it releases dopamine for us. It gave us this immediate hit where we are like, “This feels good,” and not realizing that it took us twice as long as to do something, so it’s not good.

One time, I’m like, “I have proven that wrong. I’m sitting on the toilet and I’m checking my phone. I’m multitasking.” I’m switching focus back and forth. You can only focus on one thing at a time. The most efficient way to create what we want is to keep our attention on that one thing. A lot of people fail to manifest to get what they want because they only have a set amount of time and patience that they are willing to devote to having that thing. If they don’t get it by a certain time, then it didn’t work. They failed. The Law of Attraction didn’t work or whatever it was. It’s about focusing on what is super important to you. If something is important enough to you, you will focus on it until you get it.

We do give up a little too easily at times. It is a discipline as well.

We talked on another podcast and his podcast is all about discipline. It’s funny that that came up.

I’m curious. How did this become your area of expertise? Did you have a moment? What happened that this became your focus?

I had several moments. The first moment when I was eighteen and my mom introduced me to this little book called Total Self-Confidence by Dr. Robert Anthony. You can only imagine why she might have introduced me to a book such as Total Self-Confidence at eighteen. I did not have a real easy childhood. This was a helpful tool. It was my first introduction to the whole world of self-help and self-hypnosis.

He talked a lot about self-hypnosis, visualizing, affirmations, journaling and writing, and all those things in that book. It was great when I was eighteen. I’ve got distracted from the whole self-help arena until about several years later when I was a fairly successful stockbroker. I was working at a brokerage firm and been doing that for six years, successful at it, making the six-figure income.

Take responsibility for having what you want. Share on X

I found myself not able to get out of bed. I was anxious, depressed and had all these issues. I found myself seated at a personal development four-day seminar, where they talked a lot about to think is to create and the power of the mind. It was four days of brainwashing if you will, in a good sense. We did a lot of closed-eye techniques. It was at that moment where I decided, “This is my new life path. This is the direction that I want to go.” I just didn’t know exactly what it would look like. I started writing these visualization scripts and trying to figure out how do I get some credentials?

I stumbled upon a hypnotherapy course. Within a couple of weeks, I was seated in a class taking hypnotherapy. Before you know it, I was getting my business license. I was asked to decide to either resign from my position as a stockbroker or continue with my no-figure a year job as a hypnotherapist. I went with the no-figure a year job as a hypnotherapist. Many years later, I have one of the number one websites where I sell these amazing hypnotherapy programs, my app HypnoCloud and I have written four books and all of that. It was a good decision.

When you described the Law of Attraction, you said intuition. All those things you talked about, you went with that intuition, that gut feeling of, “This is where I need to be,” and things just started happening. You found yourself in a class, then this. It’s interesting when we follow what feels like it makes sense to us, then things just unravel and find their way to put that next stone down, even though you don’t know where the path goes. It’s like Indiana Jones when he starts to step onto this opening to make the crossing, and he’s making this leap of faith. As he steps, each stone becomes visible. It sounds like that was your path for some time.

I hearkened in when you said, “Makes sense.” What was I doing quitting a six-figure a year job and going into a situation where all I was doing was creating debt? I had a lease. I had all these new bills with nothing to pay them with except for my retirement savings, which I went through over a year and a half. None of that made sense on the logical level of mind. They wanted me to win but with most people, they were saying, “Maybe you need to think about getting a job or getting your job back. Maybe this isn’t a good idea.” I had to file for bankruptcy. I found myself in the hospital with a collapsed lung and no insurance.

All of those things are an afterthought.

I would never have thought I needed to keep my insurance plan. I was trying to save money. All of that stuff would have knocked most people back into employment or something along those lines. I knew inside that I had to do it and I had to do it that way. I’m so fortunate for the opportunity. Most people are not lucky enough to have a boss that was a jerk to help me make that decision. If I could go back and thank him for that, I would.

TBT 180 | Law Of Attraction

Law Of Attraction: We all have gifts. Use yours and do something amazing.


We never know where things are going to take us. There might be some people out there that, “Don’t go and quit your job yet. Let’s think about this.” What would you say to people who feel like they are not on their path or that there is something that they want but they are not sure how to get it? What would you say would be the first thing that makes sense for them to do? What’s the next step?

If somebody wants to get on their path, you want to start the habit of meditating and journaling daily. What will happen when you go into silent meditation, you are going into listening mode. You are continuing that process through journaling and writing down what ideas come to you. When you notice patterns begin to arise, you will start to see opportunities because you are focusing on having something new developed for you. If you are not sure what you want to do, those are two great ways I think to help you to get clear on what it is that you want to do.

In hypnosis is another avenue that can open your subconscious mind because your subconscious mind has all the answers. It knows. You know deep down inside what it is that you want. We all have a bit of a divine plan that we can follow. We don’t have to follow it but if we do follow it, I think our life is going to be easier. In a lot of ways, manifesting comes down to following that divine plan and getting in touch with what that true deep desire is that’s within us all. There is a seed.

You were born with that seed to do something amazing. We all have special gifts. Even acknowledging that you do have gifts, you are creative, artistic, you do have an imagination that you can tap into, everybody has access to that. Hypnosis is another wonderful way that you can explore and tap into and get answers from the imagination.

I want to jump in here because other people might think like I was when I was younger. For whatever reason, I had it in my head, someone told me this or I was comparing myself but it felt like I’m not creative. I’m not the one to write a song. I did write some poems and poetry but I thought I wasn’t creative for some reason. As I’ve got older, I realized that we all show creativity in such a different way. It doesn’t mean you are not creative when you compare yourself to someone else. You are not creative in the way they are. It’s so important that each one of us taps into our own. Stop comparing. It’s okay to want something and to move in a direction.

To do that, we also have to appreciate ourselves. That’s why you started with that book about self-confidence. I believe that that’s how we do tap into our intuition and things like that. I want to put that out there for people who are reading that we all have different ways to visualize or imagine things. Some people can just close their eyes and walk into a new world and other people might need to be brought through a guided meditation. Everybody is different and that’s awesome.

You can only focus on one thing at a time. Decide where your life path is. Share on X

To dovetail on that, competitiveness stifles creativity. Our creativity gets stifled from the time that we start going to school. We are born extremely creative and imaginative until we go to school, and then we are taught that we need to stay within the lines and stop daydreaming and everything. They were constantly shutting it down. Your creativity may look entirely different.

I’m not the best artist in the world or the best painter but I sure as hell know how to write a good book or a good hypnosis script. That’s where my creativity is. There are thousands of different avenues a person can explore to be creative. You might be creative in the kitchen, in the bedroom, and with how to care for your children. There are so many different ways. It doesn’t look like art, and to be artistic is one way to be creative but there are many different ways. You can be creative with the way that you order your coffee at Starbucks.

What else do you think is an important lesson or tip that you can give the audience as it relates to the work that you are doing and achieving, setting that dream and achieving that dream?

The biggest thing is for people to understand and how I like to bridge the gap between with Law of Attraction and hypnosis, my two main loves in this world. It comes down to our minds, the power of using our minds properly. We are far more than what we realize. You look out at sea and see the tip of the iceberg and the tip of the iceberg is your conscious mind. That’s the part of the mind that everybody tries to do things. They try to lose weight, quit smoking, reduce their stress, and manifest their dreams and their goals from this conscious state of mind.

It’s fortunate and unfortunate but it’s very fortunate because we have the thing that runs the show. Our subconscious mind is the thing that’s keeping us alive. It’s running our heartbeat, brain, all the blood that runs through our veins, our breathing, blinking and all of everything. It’s every emotion, memory, and experience that you have ever had. Its main job is to keep you safe, secure and alive. It takes that job so seriously that it keeps you from doing things that it perceives would be unsafe. What’s unsafe? Pretty much anything different from what you are doing or anything that is considered a change because change represents stress.

Even if you are doing something amazing like buying a house, getting a new job or going on a date with somebody for the first time, that is represented as stress. It tries to keep you from that stress. What we have to do is, ultimately, if we want to achieve any goal in our life, it begins with that change at the subconscious level of mind, we’ve got to trick the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind does its job well but it’s not smart. It doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined.

I have been through many different courses and it was always described to me like that.

It’s a servant.

It’s easily tricked.

TBT 180 | Law Of Attraction

Law Of Attraction: It just is going to get the work done where the work is actually done in that, you know, in the part of your mind that actually makes those things happen


Tapping into that imagination and using anything to get that subconscious mind to have new pictures, beliefs, ideas, thoughts running through that says, “This is the way life is.” When you get the subconscious mind to buy into whatever it is that you want, it has no choice. It has to make that happen. The key is to get through to that subconscious mind. The hard part is to change those deep programs that keep you from having what you want. That would be my biggest tip. Stop trying to influence everything with your conscious mind because your subconscious mind is going to sabotage you every time and you’ve got to change the beliefs in the subconscious mind.

Some people are thinking, “I don’t know about this.” Is there any science or a way that they can prove to themselves that this works with a little toe-in-the-water type of thing?

Your subconscious mind runs all of your emotions and your automatic responses. Even if you think about a lemon, for example, if you put a lemon in your mind, imagine cutting that lemon in half. You imagine taking that lemon and putting it up to your nose, then taking it and putting it close to your mouth. You are using the power of some visualization. You are experiencing this. You imagine this in your mind. You take and lick that lemon with your mind. Notice what is happening. There is proof that you have just interacted. Why would your mouth salivate if you were controlling the process with your conscious mind? That right there is one way to show yourself that the subconscious mind is there.

It has power over us. It’s changing our body chemistry to create that saliva or when we get goosebumps when we are watching a scary movie. You are not in danger but we are in the surroundings that have our senses being sucked in and our conscious is scared.

You are sitting there watching a screen. All of a sudden, you are like, “Ha,” at the scary parts or you are crying at the sad parts. That’s not logical. That’s not coming from your conscious mind. You are not willing yourself to feel that way. It comes naturally from the subconscious part of the mind.

It’s not exactly what you are talking about but it’s the same as they would have basketball players visualize doing a layup. They had one group visualize doing the layup, and then they had the other group that practiced the layup every day. After 30 days, they compared the progress of the two groups and they were equally progressing. Isn’t that a scientific type of experiment that shows that visualization has that power that is the same as experiencing it?

We all sort of have a little bit of a divine plan that we can follow. Share on X

There is another study that was done. This one blows my mind. A study was done on these thirteen people in Japan. It was a Poison Ivy study. They rubbed a harmless substance and they told them that this was Poison Ivy on one of their arms. On the other arm, they rubbed the actual Poison Ivy and they told them that was the harmless substance. They reversed it.

All thirteen people broke out on the arm where the harmless substance was rubbed. Only two broke out where the actual Poison Ivy was rubbed. It shows what you expect to happen because they expected to break out where they thought they were rubbing Poison Ivy. They physically created this effect. They do this all the time where people can relax a bit and they can put a needle through your arm. People go into hypnosis to have dental work done. All kinds of crazy things.

We know about the placebo effect, which had thousands of studies that show that the sugar pill has the same impact as the actual medication.

There’s so much research into the power of suggestion and autosuggestion, and telling yourself something is true. It comes down to believing at that subconscious level of mind. Whatever the subconscious mind believes will happen, it will make it happen.

I could sit here and we could chat about this. I love this stuff. I’m a firm believer that it matters and it does help us take back our time because it means that we are putting our focus and energy where it matters that’s going to best support us. That’s important. What would be any last comments, tips or suggestions? What did I not ask you that you think that I should have asked you here?

I would dovetail on what you said there that this is a way to save a lot of time. Not to poo-poo therapies or anything like that but the thing is that hypnosis doesn’t work like a magic pill. You do have to want things to happen. You do have to listen to the suggestions for a time. It’s a much more efficient way. You could spend years trying to talk yourself into a new habit or behavior. Every time you try to start a new habit at the beginning of the year, you end up back in your old ways five days later. This is why this is a much more efficient, effective, and time-saving way to get into and hack your brain to do the things that you want and do them that much faster.

Law Of Attraction: Hypnosis is just another avenue that can really open your subconscious mind because your subconscious mind has all the answers.


It’s a shorter cut. It’s not a magic pill and there is no such thing as any magic fairy dust. This is all very logical, common sense for the logical people out there. It makes sense. It’s a real step-by-step approach to doing things. It is going to get the work done where the work is done in the part of your mind that makes those things happen. That would be my last little tip there.

Where do people find out more about you, these recordings, and the books you have written and such?

The biggest and the best way to access me is through my app, HypnoCloud. If you go to the App Store and download HypnoCloud, you are going to get on my mailing list. You will learn more about all of the things Victoria. In the HypnoCloud app, there are twelve free sessions. That’s going to give you a taste of hypnosis. There’s mastering the Law of Attraction and reducing your stress. All those are free. I give a lot of content away for free in the app so that you can try things out, learn about hypnosis and decide, whether you want to do the free trial and get access to my entire library. I would suggest going there. You can also go to and that’s where you can find out about all my other great stuff.

Thank you so much.

Thank you so much. I appreciate it being on your show. Thank you for listening and thank you for asking great questions.

Thank you all for being here because all of those great questions were for you trying to get in your head and think about what would they be asking? What are the challenges that you might be experiencing? The main core is that we have to stop trying to force behavior change and understand how our mind works so that we can work with it. That’s what Victoria was saying. That’s the first thing. It’s being aware, and then finding some of the techniques that are going to help you to utilize that so that you can get what you want in your life, whether it’s better health, relationships, job, peace of mind, whatever it is.

It’s there for the taking. You just need to know some of those mindset shortcuts to help you get there. Victoria’s app is going to do that for you. It will give you a head start and understand how to use it and find yourself some resources. What we are here for is to help provide you with great resources. Thank you for being here. This is Take Back Time. See you in the next episode.

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About Victoria Gallagher

TBT 180 | Law Of AttractionVictoria Gallagher is a worldwide leader in Hypnotherapy, a best-selling author, international speaker, life success coach, and renowned authority on the Law of Attraction. She has dedicated her life to empowering people all over the world to successfully live a life of liberty, aligned with their dreams through her effective meditative recordings and online courses.

As a tireless personal growth enthusiast herself, Victoria hosts the popular Law of Attraction show The Power of Your Mind podcast featuring industry experts. The Power of Your Mind is a self help podcast helping listeners unleash the power of their mind. Victoria Gallagher shares over 20 years of wisdom and techniques in hypnotherapy, Law of Attraction, visualization, NLP, meditation, personal growth, positive affirmations and other effective methods to help listeners tap into the great power which resides in their mind, and become the best version of themselves.